デッキ: Nakhthorheb Venenation

(Version 1.3)
Followers of Set: Nakhthorheb / Venenation + Change of Target

  • Crypt

1x Marla Kenyon
1x Renenet
1x Black Lotus
1x Zhenga
1x Abdelsobek
1x Ankh-sen-Sutekh
1x Halim Bey
1x Neferu
4x Nakhthorheb

  • Library

1x Opium Den
4x Path of Typhon, The
5x Serpentis
1x Dominate
1x Secure Haven
2x Heidelberg castle, Germany
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Blood Doll
2x Vessel
1x Perfectionist
6x Waters of Duat
1x Blithe Acceptance
1x Entrancement
2x Form of Corruption
8x Temptation
8x Consignment to Duat
8x Revelation of Ecstacy
1x Eternal Mask, The
10x Venenation
2x Truth of a 1000 Lies
10x Change of Target
2x Confusion of the Eye
4x Deflection
4x Majesty
4x Unholy Penance