
  • VtES 通常戦 第1戦: 5人

1) BogusMagus = Nosferatu anti. Black Hand

2) rizeさん = Ventrue & friends, with Celerity

3) 鮎方さん = Al-Muntaquim & Caitiffs ( True Brujah )

4) フレッド緑野さん *1 = Hazimel ( Ravnos )

5) はやかわさん *2 = Nosferatu Princes with Patagia



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= Nosferatu anti. Black Hand

↑ 2013/2/24 16:52
Marijava Thuggee にLife カウンターを置き忘れ。

↑ 2013/2/24 16:54

Nails はVtM の設定無さそうですが、
後で出て来るTeresita, The Godmother はメキシコにいるようです。

現Pool 20 点。10点減ってますが、
−5 → Nails
−2 : 鮎方氏のAnarch Revolt
−2 : Marijava Thuggee
−1 : Crypt から1枚Uncontrolled Region へ

Clan: Nosferatu antitribu (group 4)
Capacity: 5
Disciplines: POT ani obf pro
Sabbat. Black Hand.

Marijava Thuggee
Type: Ally
Requires: black hand
Cost: 2 pool
Ghoul with 3 life. 1 strength, 1 bleed. Requires a ready Black Hand vampire.
The thuggee can play cards requiring basic Obfuscate [obf] as a vampire. He can inflict 1 damage on a ready vampire as a (D) action. During your untap phase, if the number of thuggees you control is greater than the number of Black Hand vampires you control, tap all the thuggees you control.

Revenant です。

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= Ventrue & friends, with Celerity

↑ 2013/2/24 16:52

Mustafa, The Heir はNosferatu のMurat とPrince of Istanbul のTitle をContest 中(よりによってIstanbul。珍しい。)

Mustafa, The Heir
Clan: Ventrue (group 4)
Capacity: 6
Disciplines: FOR PRE cel dom
Camarilla Prince of Istanbul: Once each political action, any older Toreador controlled by another Methuselah can move 1 blood to Mustafa to force him to cast his votes as that Toreador's controller chooses.

Thomas De Lutrius
Clan: Toreador (group 4)
Capacity: 4
Disciplines: aus cel pre
Camarilla primogen: If Thomas goes to torpor, burn 1 pool.

Speed of Thought
Type: Action
Requires: Celerity
Cost: 1 blood
[cel] (D) Bleed. If more than 1 pool is bled with this action, ignore the excess. Minions without Celerity [cel] cannot block this action.
[CEL] As above, but minions without superior Celerity [CEL] cannot block this action.

Force of Personality
Type: Action Modifier / Combat
Requires: Presence
Cost: 1 blood
[pre] [COMBAT] Strike: combat ends.
[PRE] [ACTION MODIFIER] Only usable as the action is announced. Vampires must burn a blood to attempt to block this action. Non-zombie allies cannot block this action.

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= Al-Muntaquim & Caitiffs ( True Brujah )

↑ 2013/2/24 16:52

確か、初手でAnarch Revolt、プラスCaitiff 2人。

Al-Muntaquim, The Avenger はカイロ在住。

Anarch Revolt
Type: Master
Put this card in play. A Methuselah who does not control a ready anarch burns 1 pool during his or her untap phase. Any vampire can call a referendum to burn this card as a +1 stealth political action.

Al-Muntaquim, The Avenger
Clan: True Brujah (group 4)
Capacity: 8
Disciplines: FOR POT TEM obf pre
Independent: During your untap phase, you may burn a Caitiff you control to give Al-Muntaquim +1 bleed for the remainder of the game. Al-Muntaquim untaps whenever a Gehenna card is played. He cannot use cards that require Celerity [cel]. Scarce.

Anarch Convert
Clan: Caitiff (group 0)
Capacity: 1
Powers (Disciplines):
Independent. Anarch: When the convert enters play, you may remove him from the game to make a non-titled vampire you control anarch and either gain 1 pool or draw a card from your crypt.

Nedal, The Careless
Clan: Caitiff (group 3)
Capacity: 1
Disciplines: cel nec
Camarilla: Combat cards Nedal plays are not replaced until your next untap phase.

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= Hazimel ( Ravnos )

↑ 2013/2/24 16:54

既に残りPool 11点。
−11 → Hazimel
− 3 : Anarch revolt
− 4 : Bleed? (Caitiff 2人 x2回)
− 1 : 何ですかね?

Hazimel はどこで眠っていたのでしょうか? インド?

Clan: Ravnos (group 4)
Capacity: 11
Disciplines: ANI AUS CHI FOR POT dem
Independent: Hazimel has 2 votes (titled). Other Methuselahs' non-Ravnos vampires must burn 2 blood to attempt an action that targets Hazimel or a card or counter on him. +1 bleed.

VtM では、Torpor 状態から(主にRavnos Clan)のvampire たちを操っているMethuselah。
Gangrel Clan がCamarilla を抜けることになった間接的な原因。


Eye of Hazimel
Type: Equipment
Cost: 3 pool
Unique equipment.
The minion with this equipment gets +1 bleed and +1 strength. This minion may enter combat with any minion controlled by another Methuselah as a (D) action. If this minion is a vampire, he or she has superior Potence [POT] and superior Chimerstry [CHI], and combat cards cost this vampire 1 less blood . While the bearer is ready, this equipment cannot be transferred, moved or stolen. If this equipment is burned, this minion takes 5 unpreventable damage. During your untap phase, burn 1 pool or burn this equipment.

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= Nosferatu Princes with Patagia

↑ 2013/2/24 16:54

上記の通り、Mustafa, The Heir と政争中。

Prey とは、Camarilla Nosferatu 対Sabbat Nosferatu antitribu。
BogusMagus としては、席が離れていれば、Nosferatu として協力して世界を制したかったところなのですが...

Pool 19点。
− 7 → Murat
− 1 → Uncontrolled
− 3 : Anarch revolt

Clan: Nosferatu (group 2)
Capacity: 7
Disciplines: OBF POT ser
Camarilla Prince of Istanbul: Combat cards requiring Serpentis [ser] cost Followers of Set an additional blood when in combat with Murat.

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Al-Muntaquim  対  Hazimel

↑ 2013/2/24 17:08

Al-Muntaquim がHazimel をラッシュ。

Tabriz Assembly
Type: Master
Requires: True Brujah
Unique master.
Put this card in play. Your hand size is one card larger. During your untap phase, a True Brujah you control gains 1 blood from the blood bank. Any vampire can call a referendum to burn this card as a +1 stealth political action; in that referendum, you get one additional vote. Burn option.

Bum's Rush
Type: Action
Do not replace until the end of this action.
(D) Enter combat with a ready minion controlled by another Methuselah. The acting minion gets an optional maneuver during this combat.

Outside the Hourglass
Type: Combat
Requires: Temporis / Obfuscate
[obf] Strike: dodge.
[tem] Maneuver, or strike: dodge, with an optional maneuver.
[TEM] Only usable before range is determined. Inflict 2 damage on the opposing minion. A vampire can play only one Outside the Hourglass at superior each round.

Type: Combat
Requires: Potence
[pot] Only usable at the end of a round of combat in which this vampire successfully inflicted more damage at close range than the opposing vampire. Not usable by a vampire being burned or going into torpor. Put this card on the opposing vampire and send that vampire into torpor. The vampire with this card has -1 strength. He or she may burn this card by burning 3 blood. A vampire can have only one Disarm.
[POT] As above, but the vampire with this card has -2 strength.

Taste of Vitae
Type: Combat
Only usable at the end of a round of combat. Not usable by a vampire being burned or going to torpor.
This vampire gains an amount of blood equal to the amount lost by the opposing vampire to damage during this round. A vampire may play only one Taste of Vitae each round.

↑ 2013/2/24 17:09

Hazimel はTorporに入りました。
鮎方氏はCaitiff にHazimel を食べさせたかったのですが、Capacity 1 にはHazimel を見つけることは不可能です。
"他のMethuselahs のnon-Ravnos vampires は、Hazimel (または彼のカードやカウンター) を対象とするaction を試みる為には2 blood をburn しなければならない。"

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= Nosferatu Princes with Patagia

↑ 2013/2/24 17:09

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= Nosferatu anti. Black Hand

↑ 2013/2/24 17:09

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= Ventrue & friends, with Celerity

↑ 2013/2/24 17:10

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= Al-Muntaquim & Caitiffs ( True Brujah )

↑ 2013/2/24 17:25

Al-Muntaquim はHazimel (それともTsunda か?) にかけられた幻術(Chimerstry) に後々まで苦しめられます。

Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Type: Ally
Cost: 2 pool
Unique mortal with 2 life. 0 strength, 0 bleed.
Carlton can strike for 1R damage, and he may dodge as a strike once each combat. Carlton has +1 intercept when blocking vampires. During your discard phase, you may burn Carlton to burn a vampire who has committed diablerie since your last turn.

Fata Amria
Type: Combat/Reaction
Requires: Chimerstry
Cost: 1 blood
[chi] [COMBAT] Strike: put this card on the opposing vampire; this cannot be dodged. The vampire with this card cannot play cards that require any superior Disciplines. He or she may burn this card during his or her untap phase instead of untapping.
[CHI] [REACTION] As above, but put on the acting vampire after a successful (D) action directed at you (after resolving the action).

Type: Action
(D) Enter combat with a vampire who has 3 or fewer blood or with any tapped minion. This acting minion gets an optional press, only usable to continue, in that combat.

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↑ 2013/2/24 17:47

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= Hazimel ( Ravnos )

↑ 2013/2/24 17:47

Fragment of the Book of Nod
Type: Master
Unique master.
Tap to draw 2 cards from your library (discard afterward). Any vampire can take control of the Fragment for his or her controller as a (D) action.

↑ 2013/2/24 17:48

Tsunda がAnarch Convert に喰われたところ。

Clan: Ravnos (group 4)
Capacity: 6
Disciplines: CHI abo ani dem
Laibon magaji.

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= Nosferatu Princes with Patagia

↑ 2013/2/24 17:47

Camera Phone
Type: Equipment
Electronic equipment.
The minion with this equipment may bleed at +1 bleed as a (D) action. No other equipment can increase the bleed amount of this action.

Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight
Type: Action
Requires: Nosferatu
Cost: 1 blood

  1. 1 stealth action.

Put this card on the acting Nosferatu. This vampire gets an optional maneuver each combat. Once each combat, this vampire may burn 1 blood to gain flight [FLIGHT] for the remainder of the round. A vampire may have only 1 Patagia card.

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= Nosferatu anti. Black Hand

↑ 2013/2/24 17:48

Teresita は元々Camarilla Nosferatu。SchreckNET を覗いてCamarilla の情報を得ているのです(+1 intercept)。
両隣がCamarilla なのはアタリ。

Teresita, The Godmother
Clan: Nosferatu antitribu (group 3)
Capacity: 7
Disciplines: ANI OBF POT for
Sabbat. Black Hand Seraph:
Teresita gets +1 intercept against Camarilla vampires.

VtM ではSeraph ではなく、Dominion です。

Improvised Flamethrower
Type: Equipment
Cost: 2 pool
Strike: 2R aggravated damage, only usable once per combat.
If the opposing minion inflicts any damage on this minion at long range (even if it is prevented), this weapon is burned and the bearer takes 2 aggravated (non-strike) damage.

元ネタは、Clan Novel (Lasombra だったかなあ)。アトランタのNosferatu (名前忘れました)が作っていました。彼は、Talley, the Hound に小石をタンクにぶつけられ、爆死しました。

Old Neddacka
Clan: Nosferatu antitribu (group 4)
Capacity: 2
Disciplines: obf

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= Ventrue & friends, with Celerity

↑ 2013/2/24 17:48

Information Highway
Type: Master
Master: unique location.
During your influence phase, you get 2 additional transfers.

Victor Pelletier
Clan: Ventrue (group 4)
Capacity: 5
Disciplines: PRE cel dom for
Camarilla: When Victor enters play, you may pay 1 pool to make him a primogen, 2 pool to make him Prince of Paris, or 3 pool to make him Ventrue Justicar. If Victor's title would be contested, he immediately yields instead of contesting.

Type: Master
Cost: 1 pool
Master: trifle.
Put this card on a vampire, and you may burn a Blood Doll in play (if any). During this vampire's controller's untap phase, he or she may move 1 blood from this vampire to his or her pool or from his or her pool to this vampire.

Type: Equipment
Cost: 1 pool
Put 4 blood counters on this card. During your untap phase, if the vampire with this equipment is ready, you may move 1 blood from this card to this vampire. Burn this card when it has no counters.

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Teresita, The Godmother  対  Casino Reeds

↑ 2013/2/24 17:52

Teresita がCasino Reeds をBlock。

  • Teresita
    • Sense the Savage Way:[ANI]でUntap、Reeds をBlock しようとします。
    • Cats' Guidance:[ANI]で+1 intercept。
    • Carrion Crows:[ANI] で2R damage。
    • Improvised Flamethrower:でStrike。
    • Target Vitals (Combat):を試みますが、Reeds にキャンセルされます。

Sense the Savage Way
Type: Reaction
Requires: capacity above 6 Animalism
Requires a vampire with capacity above 6.
[ani] +1 intercept.
[ANI] Only usable by a tapped vampire. This vampire untaps and attempts to block.

Cats' Guidance
Type: Reaction
Requires: Animalism
[ani] Only usable by a tapped vampire immediately after he or she blocks (play after combat, if any). Untap this reacting vampire.
[ANI] +1 intercept.

Carrion Crows
Type: Combat
Requires: Animalism
Only usable before range is chosen.
[ani] The opposing minion takes 1R damage each round of combat during strike resolution. A vampire can play only one Carrion Crows each combat.
[ANI] As above, but for 2R damage.

Target Vitals
Type: Combat
Aim. Play when choosing a strike.
If any damage from this strike is successfully inflicted on the opposing minion, he or she takes an additional 2 damage from this strike, and he or she cannot press this round. The opposing minion may discard two combat cards [COMBAT] to cancel this card. A minion may play only one aim each strike.

↑ 2013/2/24 17:53

  • Casino Reeds
    • テキスト能力 Action:を試みます。
    • (何かStealth Action Modifier):出しましたが、Stealth が足りず、捕まりました。
    • High Ground:でlong rangeへ。
    • Thrown Sewer Lid:Strike: 3R damage、テキストで+1。
    • Combat カード2枚捨ててTarget Vitals をキャンセル。

Casino Reeds は、カラスに突かれた上に、火炎放射器で焼かれ、休眠(Damage: 2 normal + 2 aggravated)。
Teresita は、マンホールの蓋を投げつけられ、自作の火炎放射器が爆発して、休眠(Damage: 4 normal + 2 aggravated)。

Casino Reeds
Clan: Nosferatu (group 3)
Capacity: 9
Disciplines: ANI OBF POT cel dem
Camarilla Prince of Seattle:
Casino may move up to 3 blood from himself to a younger Nosferatu in your uncontrolled region as an action.
Casino inflicts +1 damage with ranged strikes (even at close range).

High Ground
Type: Combat
Maneuver, only usable to go to long range. If this minion has flight [FLIGHT] and the opposing minion does not, play before range is determined to set the range for the round to long. A minion may play only one High Ground each round.

Thrown Sewer Lid
Type: Combat
Requires: Potence
Only usable at long range.
[pot] Strike: 3R damage.
[POT] As above, with an optional press.

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:05

Information Network
Type: Master
Requires: Nosferatu antitribu
Cost: 1 pool
Unique master.
Put this card in play. Tap to give a Nosferatu antitribu you control +1 intercept.

Tattoo Signal
Type: Action
Requires: seraph

  1. 1 stealth action. Requires a Seraph.

Put this card on this acting Seraph. This ready Seraph may tap this card to untap another Black Hand vampire. A minion may have only one Tattoo Signal. Burn option.

Type: Action
Requires: sabbat

  1. 1 stealth action. Requires a Sabbat vampire.

Put this card on this acting Sabbat vampire and untap him or her. This Sabbat vampire gets +1 intercept against (D) actions directed at his or her controller. A vampire may have only one Abbot.

Leather Jacket
Type: Equipment
If the action to equip with the Leather Jacket is successful, untap the acting minion at the end of the turn. Bearer may burn Leather Jacket to prevent all the damage from the opposing minion's strike. A minion may have only one Leather Jacket.

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:06

Jake Washington (Hunter)
Type: Master
Unique master.
Put this card in play. While in play, this card represents a unique mortal ally with 1 life, 0 strength and 0 bleed and doesn't count as a master card. During your untap phase, you may burn Jake to move up to 4 blood from the blood bank to a ready vampire with no blood.

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:08

Dreams of the Sphinx
Type: Master
Cost: 1 pool
Unique master.
Put this card in play. Put a counter on this card each time you tap it. When the third counter is added, burn this card. Tap this card to get +2 hand size until the end of the current turn. Tap during your untap phase to gain an additional pool if you have the Edge. Tap to move a blood from the bank to a vampire in your uncontrolled region.

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:08

Gerard Rafin
Clan: Nosferatu (group 3)
Capacity: 6
Disciplines: OBF POT ani for
Camarilla: During your untap phase, if Gerard is ready, you may look at 1 card at random from your prey's hand.

Rack, The
Type: Master
Master: unique location.
When this card is played or the controller of this card changes, the controller chooses a ready vampire he or she controls. During the controller's untap phase, the chosen vampire gains 2 blood. A vampire controlled by another Methuselah can steal this location for his or her controller as a (D) action.

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:09

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:09

Jake Washington がKiss of Lachesis で焼かれたところ。

Kiss of Lachesis
Type: Action
Requires: Temporis/Serpentis
Cost: 1 blood

  1. 1 stealth action.

[ser] (D) Burn a retainer or a non-unique equipment card.
[tem] (D) Burn a retainer, ally or non-unique equipment card.
[TEM] Move a non-unique equipment card from any Methuselah's ash heap to this vampire. If the equipment card comes from your ash heap, pay half the cost (round down), otherwise no cost is paid.

   *   *   *   *   *   *   

↑ 2013/2/24 18:12

Al-Muntaquim, The Avenger がVictor Pelletier をラッシュ。

Type: Action
(D) Enter combat with a ready tapped minion controlled by another Methuselah. The acting minion gets an optional maneuver during this combat.

Type: Combat
Requires: Potence
Cost: 2 blood
[pot] Strike: hand strike or use a melee weapon strike. This strike is at +2 damage.
[POT] Only usable when the opposing vampire is going into torpor; not usable by a vampire being burned or going into torpor. Burn the opposing vampire instead of sending that vampire to torpor.

Rolling with the Punches
Type: Combat
Requires: Fortitude
[for] Prevent 1 damage.
[FOR] This vampire burns 1 blood to prevent all damage from the opposing minion's strikes this round of combat.

Taste of Vitae
Type: Combat
Only usable at the end of a round of combat. Not usable by a vampire being burned or going to torpor.
This vampire gains an amount of blood equal to the amount lost by the opposing vampire to damage during this round. A vampire may play only one Taste of Vitae each round.

Freak Drive
Type: Action Modifier
Requires: Fortitude
Cost: 1 blood
[for] Only usable at the end of a successful action (after resolving the action). This vampire untaps.
[FOR] As above, but usable even if the action is blocked (play after combat, if any).

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:15

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:24

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↑ 2013/2/24 18:24


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↑ 2013/2/24 18:25

Clan: Caitiff (group 4)
Capacity: 1
Disciplines: pre
Camarilla: Titled vampires get +1 intercept when attempting to block Dirk.

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状況はだいぶ進んでいたのですが、結局誰もOust されずに終了。

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= Nosferatu anti. Black Hand

↑ 2013/2/24 18:31

残りPool 6点。

BogusMagus は2巡前から計算上、rizeさんをOust できるかと思っていたのですが、はやかわさんのNosferatu がMustafa を救出したのでブロッカーが1人出現してしまいました。
最後のターン、BogusMagus はBleed 基本1のMinion(s) が5体、rize さんは残りPool 5点、Blocker 1体。
(しかし、後でLibrary を確認したら、Oust 可能でした...手札にDrop Point Network、Library にBloodwork が1枚ありました。)

Drop Point Network
Type: Master
Requires: black hand
Cost: 1 pool
Master. Requires a ready Black Hand vampire.
Remove 7 cards in your ash heap from the game to search your library for a minion card. Show it to all players and move it to your hand. Discard afterward.

Type: Action
Requires: black hand
Requires a ready Black Hand vampire.
(D) Bleed at +1 bleed. If more than 2 pool is bled with this action, ignore the excess. If the Methuselah you are bleeding controls a ready Sabbat vampire, this action is at +1 stealth.

   *   *   *   *   *   *  

= Ventrue & friends, with Celerity

↑ 2013/2/24 18:32

残りPool 4点。
BogusMagus は、Pool 1 まではBleed できたのですが、諦めてしまいました。

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= Al-Muntaquim & Caitiffs ( True Brujah )

↑ 2013/2/24 18:32

残りPool 2点。

フレッド緑野さんをOust するのに後一歩届かず(1ターン?)。

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= Hazimel ( Ravnos )

↑ 2013/2/24 18:32

残りPool 3点。

終盤はずっとOust されるのを待つだけの状態だったのですが...

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= Nosferatu Princes with Patagia

↑ 2013/2/24 18:32

残りPool 7点。

最後は、BogusMagus をOust できないので、rizeさんのVampire を救出してBogus Magus のVP 獲得を妨害。

Mr. Winthrop
Type: Retainer
Unique mortal with 1 life.
The minion with this retainer gets +1 intercept.

Tasha Morgan
Type: Retainer
Unique mortal with 1 life.
The minion with this retainer gets +1 bleed.

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