7/27(日)のVtES、第2戦 (解説)





Stealth Bleed デッキ、選挙デッキ、戦闘デッキ、コンボ・デッキ、とバリエーション豊か。

= Daughters of Cacophony [G2+3]

Vampire(s) のCapacity は低〜中級。ある程度人数が揃わないと本領は発揮できない。

Pool 攻撃も回復も主に選挙。
Daughter of Cacophony の特性としてブロックもバウンスもできない。
その代わりにこのデッキでは、Art's Traumatic Essence やShattering Crescendo で場をコントロールする。
Shattering Crescendo で合計4人くらいTorpor へ送ったのではなかろうか。

  • Yseult

Clan: Daughter of Cacophony (group 3)
Capacity: 6
Disciplines: FOR MEL PRE
Sabbat: When Yseult plays a card that requires Melpominee, you may draw an additional card. Discard afterward. Yseult cannot block vampires with capacity above 4.

Rarity: LoB:U

  • Lily Prelude

Type: Political Action
Requires: Melpominee
Cost: 1 blood
[mel] Allocate 4 points among one or more Methuselahs. Successful referendum means each Methuselah burns 1 pool for each point assigned.
[MEL] As above, and choose a Methuselah. Successful referendum means that chosen Methuselah gains 1 pool.

Rarity: HttB:C

  • Madrigal

Type: Action Modifier/Reaction
Requires: Melpominee/Presence
Only usable during a referendum before votes are cast.
[pre] [REACTION] Only usable by a reacting vampire. Gain 2 votes.
[mel] [ACTION MODIFIER][REACTION] Gain 2 votes.
[MEL] [ACTION MODIFIER][REACTION] As [mel] above, and any vampire voting in agreement with this vampire gains 1 blood from the blood bank. Any vampire voting in opposition to this vampire burns 1 blood. Blood is gained or lost when the results are tallied.

Rarity: BL:C2 LoB:C

  • Shattering Crescendo

Type: Action
Requires: Melpominee / Protean
Cost: 1 blood
[pro] (D) Inflict 1 unpreventable damage on an ally or retainer.
[mel] (D) Discard a Shattering Crescendo from your hand to inflict 2 unpreventable damage on each of up to 2 minions controlled by a single Methuselah.
[MEL] As [mel] above, but for 3 damage each.

Rarity: HttB:C

  • Art's Traumatic Essence

Type: Action
Requires: Melpominee/Auspex
+1 stealth action.
[aus] (D) Tap any untapped minion.
[mel] (D) Tap any untapped minion, and that minion burns 1 blood or life.
[MEL] (D) Put this card on any ready untapped minion and tap that minion. The minion with this card burns 1 additional blood or life each time he or she attempts to take an action or block. During his or her master phase, the controller of the minion with this card may tap this minion and burn a pool to burn this card. A minion may have only one Art's Traumatic Essence.

Rarity: BL:R1 LoB:R

Type: Action Modifier
Requires: Melpominee / Presence
Cost: 3 blood
[pre] +1 stealth.
[mel] +1 stealth and +2 bleed, or +2 bleed. You cannot play another action modifier to increase this bleed amount.
[MEL] Only usable when the action is announced. This action is unblockable.

Rarity: HttB:C

= Soul Gem of E. ( Regina G. ) [G2+3]

主役はCapacity 10 だが、理想通り行けば、Influence で出すのはこの1人で充分。今回は、2人出したが。

Regina Giovanni がSoul Gem of Etrius をEquip し、Blood 1 でTap している(但しBleed はしていない)状態で準備完了。
→ Regina Giovanni がForce of Will (下級)、アクションの後でBurn。
→ Soul Gem of Etrius により、Vampire X がBlood 満タンで出て来る。
→ そのVampire X がPossession でRegina Giovanni をAsh Heap から場に戻す。
→ Regina Giovanni がVampire X からSoul Gem of Etrius を貰う。
→ Regina Giovanni ががForce of Will (下級)、アクションの後でBurn。

手札にForce of Will とPossession がある限り、繰り返すことが可能。

Force of Will 以外に、Daring the Dawn で燃えることも可能。1ターン内のコンボの2回目以降には使用し難いが。(Soul Gem of Etrius を貰うアクションでTap してしまう為。)

元々あまり早く無いのだが、rize さん/Daughter たちに妨害され、始動がだいぶ遅れた。
例えば、最初にRegina Giovanni が出てきてアクションを起こす前に、Art's Traumatic Essence で1ターン行動不能になった。

終盤は順調に進んだが、Prey をOust することよりコンボを回すことを優先した為、時間切れに。
最終的にはVampire(s) は7人 (但し1人Torpor)。
他に特筆すべき点としては、Anisa Marianna Lopez の特殊能力が有効だった。Daughter を1人焼いた。 しかし、その後Daughter にTorpor へ落とされ最後までそのまま。

  • Regina Giovanni, The Right Hand of Augustus

Clan: Giovanni (group 2)
Capacity: 10
Disciplines: DOM NEC POT aus for
Independent: Regina has 2 votes. Recruiting allies and employing retainers costs Regina 1 less pool or blood (but never less than 0 pool or blood).

Rarity: DS:V FN:PG

  • Anisa Marianna Lopez

Clan: Harbinger of Skulls (group 2)
Capacity: 8
Disciplines: FOR NEC QUI aus
Sabbat: Anisa can burn a vampire with a capacity less than 4 controlled by your predator or prey as a (D) action that costs 1 pool.

Rarity: BL:U1

  • Soul Gem of Etrius

Type: Equipment
Unique equipment.
If this vampire is burned, draw the top card from your crypt. If it is younger, put the Soul Gem on him or her and move him or her to your ready region with blood from the blood bank equal to his or her capacity; otherwise, move that card to your uncontrolled region (and burn the Soul Gem). If bearer is diablerized, the diablerizing vampire cannot take the Soul Gem.

Rarity: Jyhad:R VTES:R CE:R Third:R KoT:R

Type: Action
Requires: Fortitude
Cost: 1 blood
Only usable by a tapped vampire.
[for] (D) Bleed with +1 bleed. After resolution, this vampire takes 2 unpreventable aggravated damage even if the action is blocked.
[FOR] As above, but with +2 bleed, and the acting vampire takes only 1 unpreventable aggravated damage.

Rarity: DS:C2 FN:PR2 Anarchs:PAG/PG2 KMW:PG Third:C

  • Daring the Dawn

Type: Action Modifier
Requires: Fortitude
[for] Vampires cannot block this action. The acting vampire takes 2 unpreventable aggravated damage after the action resolves.
[FOR] As above, but the acting vampire takes 1 unpreventable aggravated damage.

Rarity: Sabbat:R SW:R/PV FN:PR LoB:PI Third:R

  • Possession

Type: Action
Requires: Necromancy
Cost: 2 blood
[nec] Move a vampire from your ash heap to your uncontrolled region.
[NEC] Move a vampire from your ash heap to your ready region and move 1 blood from the blood bank to the vampire.

Rarity: DS:C2 FN:PG2 LotN:PG

= Followers of Set ( Seterpenre ) [G4+5]

主役はCapacity 10。
しかし、Waters of Duat で人数を揃える。
Seterpenre に付けるDiscipline カードは、Dominate 2枚とThaumaturgy 2枚。

攻撃は、数を増やしつつ、Stealth Bleed + Enticement。
防御に関しては、Settite らしくブロックはほぼできない。しかしDominate を使うのでバウンスは可能。

序盤は、The Eternals of Sirius でSeterpenre を2巡目に出すことに成功。順調に見えたのだが、その後 はやかわさんに盗まれる。
仕方が無いので、Neferu を代役に頑張る。

Waters of Duat が盾になるとは言え、結構厳しい状況かと思えたのだが、終盤に、Dream World + Veil the Legions で はやかわさんをOust。
Neferu は終盤Torpor に落ちたようだが、Daughter にやられたか?

  • Seterpenre

Clan: Follower of Set (group 5)
Capacity: 10
Disciplines: AUS NEC OBF PRE SER
Independent: When Seterpenre enters play, put up to four master: Discipline cards on him from your hand, ash heap and/or library (shuffle afterward). Discipline cards do not affect his capacity.

Rarity: LotN:U

  • Eternals of Sirius, The

Type: Master
Cost: 4 pool
Gain 5 pool if you have a ready Follower of Set, or move 5 blood from the blood bank to a Follower of Set with a capacity above 8 in your uncontrolled region.

Rarity: LotN:U

  • Waters of Duat

Type: Action
Requires: non-sterile,capacity above 4 Follower of Set
Cost: 1 blood
+1 stealth action. Requires a ready non-Sterile Follower of Set with capacity above 4.
Put this card in play; it becomes a 1-capacity Follower of Set. You may search your library (shuffle afterward), ash heap or hand for a Discipline card and place it on this vampire (pay cost as normal). This vampire is not considered unique, must hunt this turn and is the same sect as the acting Follower of Set.

Rarity: KMW:C

  • Enticement

Type: Action
Requires: Serpentis
Requires the Edge.
[ser] (D) Burn the Edge to cause your prey to burn 2 pool. (This action is directed at your prey.) Your minions cannot attempt bleed actions for the remainder of the turn.
[SER] As above, but your prey burns 3 pool.

Rarity: FN:C2 KMW:PB LotN:PS2

  • Dream World

Type: Action
Requires: Presence
[pre] (D) Bleed at +1 bleed.
[PRE] +1 stealth action. Each of your minions gets +1 bleed for the remainder of the turn or until a bleed action is blocked. Only one Dream World can be played at superior each turn.

Rarity: LotN:C/PS4

Type: Action Modifier
Requires: Obfuscate
[obf] Only usable by a ready, untapped vampire other than the acting minion you control. The acting minion gets +1 stealth. Only one Veil the Legions may be played each action.
[OBF] As above, and this vampire may burn X additional blood to give +1 stealth to the next X actions your minions perform this turn. Only one Veil the Legions can be played at superior each turn.

Rarity: SoC:C LotN:PS2 KoT:C/PM4 HttB:PSam4

= Theo & Beast (Brujah) [G2+?]

Vampire(s) のほとんど(?) がCapacity 7〜8、しかも、デッキが機能するには最低2人必要。

Theo Bell(とBeast)がラッシュ担当、Brujah Prince がそれ以外の防御などを担当。
Presence よりはDominate を使用か?

いきなり序盤で、Seterpenre をTheo Bell が休眠させ、Donal O'Connor がGraverobbing することに成功。楽勝かと思われた。
しかし、その後Daughter のShattering Crescendo を受ける。Donal O'Connor が休眠。しかもDonal にはSettite のSeeds of Corruption が付いていた為、復活は困難な状態。結局、彼は最後まで休眠していた。

  • Donal O'Connor

Clan: Brujah (group 2)
Capacity: 8
Disciplines: CEL DOM POT
Camarilla Prince of Dublin: Any vampire blocking Donal burns 1 blood (before combat begins, if any).

Rarity: DS:V CE:PB

  • Theo Bell

Clan: Brujah (group 2)
Capacity: 7
Disciplines: POT cel dom pre
Camarilla: Theo may enter combat with any ready minion controlled by another Methuselah as a (D) action. If you control a ready prince or justicar, blood hunts cannot be called on Theo.

Rarity: FN:U CE:PB

  • Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit

Clan: Nosferatu antitribu (group 2)
Capacity: 7
Disciplines: OBF POT ani cel
Sabbat: Beast cannot play action cards. He cannot have or use equipment or retainers. Beast may enter combat with any ready minion controlled by another Methuselah as a (D) action. +1 strength.

Rarity: Sabbat:V SW:U BH:PN

  • Graverobbing

Type: Action
Requires: Dominate
[dom] (D) Steal a vampire in torpor controlled by another Methuselah.
[DOM] As above, and this acting vampire may burn 2 blood to move the stolen vampire to your ready region.

Rarity: Jyhad:U VTES:U CE:U/PTr KMW:PAl Third:PTr LotN:PG KoT:U HttB:P

  • Torn Signpost

Type: Combat
Requires: Potence
Only usable before range is determined.
[pot] This vampire has a strength of 2 for the remainder of combat.
[POT] This vampire has a strength of 3 for the remainder of combat.

Rarity: Jyhad:U VTES:U SW:PB CE:U Anarchs:PAG KMW:PAl2 Third:PB2 LotN:PG2 KoT:U/PB3 HttB:PGar3

  • Immortal Grapple

Type: Combat
Requires: Potence
Only usable at close range before strikes are chosen. Grapple.
[pot] Strikes that are not hand strikes may not be used this round (by either combatant). A vampire may play only one Immortal Grapple each round.
[POT] As above, with an optional press. If another round of combat occurs, that round is at close range; skip the determine range step for that round.

Rarity: Jyhad:R2 VTES:R Sabbat:U SW:U/PB FN:PG CE:U/PB2 Third:U LotN:PG2 KoT:U/PB3 HttB:PGar3