Rules Team Rulings - RTR 11/05/2018


2018/06/09 から有効。

Rules and clarifications:

Rule change #1: Anarch is a sect.

Anarch はSect である。

今までのIndependent 限定のカードは全てAnarch でも使用可能とする。


Rule change #2: Hunt

デフォルトは 1 Hunt とする。(1 Bleed と同様?)


Rule change #3: Limited effects

Updated rulebook text:

Bleed Action Modifiers:

A minion cannot use more than one action modifier card to increase a bleed during a bleed action. Some bleed action modifiers explicitly state that they do not count against this limit; those can be played before or after modifiers that count against the limit.

Additional Strikes:

[...] A minion cannot use more than one card or effect (a source) to gain additional strikes per round of combat. Some additional strike sources explicitly state that they do not count against this limit; those can be played before or after additional strike sources. that count against the limit.


今までは、Bleed の Action Modifier にはルール上の制限は無く、カード・テキスト上にあった。

今後は、「原則的に2枚以上使用できない」 と言う項目がルールに追加される。
この制限の reminder として、カードに 「Limited」 と記載される。


Additional Strike は現状と変わらないが、制限の reminder として、カードに 「Limited」 と記載される。

Card changes and errata

Becoming, The

The discipline cards need to be master (has no impact currently)

Count Zaroff

His ability can now be used more than once each turn, if you manage to bring him back from the uncontrolled region during the same turn.

Gotsdam, The Tired Warrior

Gotsdam is no longer immune to frenzy cards. Instead, frenzy cards cannot be played on him.


Laecanus is no longer immune to frenzy cards. Instead, frenzy cards cannot be played on him.


The amount of blood you can move is now limited to 5.

Villein で動かせるBlood が最大で5点に制限される。