Defenders of the North (Cycle)



  • Defenders of the North (Cycle) : 3/6 購入済 →放出

各Pack: カード 40枚 (10種x1枚、10種x3枚)

    • 1) Wolves of the North (CP) [2010年2月] O
    • 2) Beyond the Wall (CP) [2010年2月] O
    • 3) A Sword in the Darkness (CP) [2010年3月] ×
    • 4) The Wildling Horde (CP) [2010年4月] ×
    • 5) A King in the North (CP) [2010年5月] O
    • 6) Return of the Others (CP) [2010年7月] ×
  • Defenders of the North [Revised] (Cycle) :

各Pack: カード 60枚 (20種x3枚)

    • 1) Wolves of the North [Rev.] (CP) [2011年12月]
    • 2) Beyond the Wall [Rev.] (CP) [2011年12月]
    • 3) A Sword in the Darkness [Rev.] (CP) [2011年12月]
    • 4) The Wildling Horde [Rev.] (CP) [2011年12月]
    • 5) A King in the North [Rev.] (CP) [2011年12月]
    • 6) Return of the Others [Rev.] (CP) [2011年12月]
  • Night's Watch (trait)
  • Wildling (trait)

どちらも、基本的にはAganda カード前提です。(どちらも、The North Agenda(s) を使用しないデッキに入れることも可能ですが。)
このCycle にはThe North Agenda(s) と言うものが6枚入っています。Agenda カードは原則1枚しか使えないのですが、The North Agenda(s) は例外で、3枚まで(当初は6枚全部)同時に使用が可能です。
今から購入するなら6パックまとめてをお勧めしますが、絞りたい場合は、The North Agenda カードは、Night's Watch 用が奇数CP (#1、#3、#5)、Wildling 用は偶数CP (#2、#4、#6)、に入っています。

"Quantity" は旧パックに入っている枚数です。

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FAQ V3.4 (2012/10/9)

Card Clarifications and Errata

Defenders of the North

(v2.4) Ahead of the Tide F8
Should read: " Response: If an opponent
would win initiative, cancel the determination
of initiative winner. You win initiative

(v2.4) Compelled by the King F26
Should read: " Response: If an opponent
would win dominance, cancel the
determination of dominance winner. You win
dominance instead."

(v1.4) Fear of Winter F40
Playing or putting a card into Shadows from
your hand does count against the limitation
set by Fear of Winter. Bringing a card out of
Shadows does not count against this card's
limitation. Replacement effects that put a card
into play from a player's hand (such as those
on PotS Darkstar and PotS House Dayne
Reserves) also count against the limitation set
by this card.

(v2.0) The Rangers F19
The Builders F59
The Stewards F99
Should read:
"... You may run any number of
The North agendas that have the words Night’s
Watch in their text."

(v2.0) The Free Folk F39
The Last Giants F79
Blood of the First Men F119
Should read:
"... You may run any number
of The North agendas that have the word
Wildling in their text."

(v1.5) Tarle the Thrice Drowned F107
Should read:
"...3 or more power..."

(v3.1) Blood of the First Men F119
Should read:
"Reduce the cost of the first
unique Wildling character you play from your
hand each round by 1."

Restricted & Banned List

Joust Restricted List

Defenders of the North
• (F117) VAL

Melee Restricted List

Defenders of the North
• (F117) VAL

Banned List

Defenders of the North

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